Women's Ministry

Women on Missions-ladies 18 or older. WOM meet the first Monday of each month in the church Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m.

Women on Missions-ladies 18 or older. WOM meet the first Monday of each month in the church Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m.

The purpose of Women on Mission is to develop and promote missions which bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our goals are to:

Preserve our positions as a viable witness organization

Develop collaborations with our associations and community agencies in the area of missions

Pursue the development of our focus area as directed by the membership

Strengthen membership, commitment, enthusiasm and morale with our organization

Maintain a solid financial strength to enhance the implementation of mission projects set forth by the membership

Sustain and emphasize the effectiveness of our association to the church membership

WOM promotes and supports two mission offerings…..Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions is the namesake of an international missionary to China who was a hard-working, deep-loving Southern Baptist who labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. Lottie’s life changed forever when she moved to China and began a life that would effect millions a century later. Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists’ first Christmas offering for international missions – enough to send three new missionaries to China. The legacy of Lottie Moon still lives on today.

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is the namesake of Annie Armstrong for North American Missions. As a tireless servant of God and a contagious advocate and supporter of missions efforts throughout the world, Annie Armstrong led women to unite in missions endeavors that ultimately led to the formation of Woman’s Missionary Union, for which she served as the first corresponding secretary. Annie wrote many long, lengthy letters churches to give more, pray more and do more for reaching people for Christ. It was Annie Armstrong who suggested the International Missions Offering be changed to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The legacy of Annie Armstrong continues to live on today.